
Kawasaki Daishi

川崎大師   Click to listen highlighted text! 川崎大師

Kawasaki Daishi (川崎大師) is a renowned Buddhist temple located in Kawasaki, Japan. The temple, also known as Heiken-ji (平間寺, Heiken-ji), was founded in 1128 and belongs to the Chisan School of Shingon Buddhism. The temple is highly esteemed for its power of Yakuyoke (warding off evil), earning it the nickname “Yakuyoke No Odaishi-sama” among the people not just in Kanto but across Japan.

Kawasaki Daishi is a popular destination for tourists and devotees alike. It is known for its splendid architecture and beautiful sculptures that adorn the temple complex. The temple is also famous for its impressive Goma fire ritual, which is believed to have healing powers. The Goma fire ritual is performed daily, except on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Visitors can also witness the Shuni-e ceremony, a yearly event held in March, where monks perform various rituals and purify themselves.

The temple complex of Kawasaki Daishi is quite large and comprises many smaller shrines and halls. The main hall, called Dai-hondo, houses a statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of healing. The statue is believed to have been carved by Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi), the founder of Shingon Buddhism. Other notable structures include the three-storied pagoda, the Amida-do hall, and the Kannon-do hall. The temple also has a beautiful Japanese garden, which provides a serene atmosphere for visitors.

Kawasaki Daishi is considered one of the largest temples of the Chisan School of Shingon Buddhism. The head temple of the Chisan School is Chishakuin in Higashiyama Shichijo, Kyoto. The Chisan School is known for its emphasis on Yakuyoke and the use of mandalas and mantras in their teachings. The temple’s rich history and cultural significance have earned it a place on the list of Important Cultural Properties of Japan.

The temple is easily accessible by public transportation. Visitors can take the JR Kawasaki Station or Keikyu Kawasaki Station and then board a bus or take a 15-minute walk to the temple. Kawasaki Daishi is open daily from 6 am to 6 pm and admission is free. Visitors are advised to dress modestly and to remove their shoes before entering the temple buildings.

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