

法起寺   Click to listen highlighted text! 法起寺


Hokki-ji is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Ikaruga, Nara, Japan. Founded in the 7th century, it is one of the oldest surviving temples in Japan and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Hokki-ji was established by Prince Shotoku, who is considered one of the most influential figures in the spread of Buddhism in Japan.

The temple’s history dates back to the year 588, when Prince Shotoku built a temple in the area to honor his father’s memory. The original temple was destroyed during a war in the early 7th century, but it was rebuilt by Prince Shotoku’s wife, Princess Uno, in 706. The temple was renamed Hokki-ji, which means “temple of the precious peak,” and has been a sacred site for over 1,300 years.

Hokki-ji features several important structures, including the Main Hall, the Three-Storied Pagoda, and the Lecture Hall. The Main Hall, also known as the Kondo, is the largest building on the temple grounds and is the center of worship. It houses a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha, who is considered the founder of Buddhism. The Three-Storied Pagoda is one of the oldest pagodas in Japan and is an important symbol of Japanese architecture. The Lecture Hall, also known as the Kodo, is where Buddhist teachings were once delivered.

The temple’s architecture is a blend of Chinese and Japanese styles and is characterized by its use of wood and its emphasis on simplicity and harmony. The temple’s buildings and gardens are carefully designed to create a sense of peace and tranquility. Hokki-ji’s grounds are also home to many cherry trees, which bloom in the spring and attract visitors from around the world.

Today, Hokki-ji is a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims alike. Visitors can explore the temple grounds and learn about the history of Buddhism in Japan. The temple also hosts many events throughout the year, including traditional Buddhist ceremonies and cultural festivals.

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